The Indie Movie Masters group is looking forward to April 9th at the Kentucky Theater, where there will be a DVD release party starting at 7:30 pm for Festival of Horrors Volume 1. The night will be a great indie movie night, and we will be showing several trailers from indie filmmakers, some indie music videos, and screening The Sirens and Murderer from the Vol 1 DVD. Several filmmakers will also have tables in the lobby with indie films and other related items available. If you are within range of Lexington Kentucky, come on out that Thursday evening!
We would also like to extend a major congratulations to director Jacob Ennis, Billy Blackwell, and the rest of the Stash team. Stash was released last week nationally, and will be in the April issue of Fangoria magazine. It is available at many outlets, online and stores, from, Hastings, Hollywood Video, Movie Gallery, and others.
Word has it that Stephen Lackey's Middling Meat project in Nashville is making progress. Were very excited about that project and will definitely keep some updates here.
On the IMM front, our publicist has been in the process of outreach for reviews and press, and we hope to have some new reviews and such being posted shortly.