Monday, November 23, 2009

Infernal Dreams Making a Name in Independent Film, Horror, and Beyond

It is always good to see new organizations sprout and grow which have an emphasis on the horror genre and that are friendly to independents. It is even better when those organizations feature a team of creative people who enable a first-rate presentation, and sustained outreach in the public and on convention circuits.

Infernal Dreams is one such organization that is really motoring on high-octane within the independent world, on the convention circuit, and online. They feature a number of dedicated individuals who are responsible for the rapidly growing content found on their site and at events. From movie reviews, to the Infernal Dreamgirls, and even to book reviews, Infernal Dreams is a name becoming more known with each and every day.

Indie Movie Masters is pleased to spotlight Infernal Dreams, and to bring you an interview with the founder, David Rupp, who will give you the low-down on the foundations of Infernal Dreams, where it is going, and even his insights on matters relating to trends in horror and new developments affecting indie filmmakers.

Let's check in with David and immerse ourselves into a world of Infernal Dreams!

-Stephen Zimmer for Indie Movie Masters Blog Interviews, November 23, 2009

SZ: First of all, for those who have not visited the world of Infernal Dreams just yet, what is Infernal Dreams all about?

DR: Infernal Dreams is an amalgamation of all things horror, we try to be as inclusive as possible. We support independent ventures without turning a blind eye to the mainstream. We ignore trends and do our very best to maintain integrity with our coverage, reviews and features. ID hopes to entertain, educate and make people aware of what the world has to offer as far as genre tidbits. Add commission graphics, video goodies and appearances and you have most of what we are about.

SZ: Who are the main contributors or staff members of Infernal Dreams?

DR: Well ther's me of course, the father of this bastard, Peter Syslo who is on a holiday of sorts, Jeff Hudson one of the core members, Josh Felty heads the editing and brainstorming, Jake LeMaster is video/lights/photos and all around PR, Bindi Lavelle is articles from down under, Schaeffer Tolliver, Daniel Emery Taylor or celeb reviewer, and Tim-o our newest blood. As far as contributors we have GL Giles, Patrick Farmer and Sam O'Beirn from Canada.

SZ: Tell us a little about your own personal background and your motivations for working to instigate Infernal Dreams.

DR: Originally I started ID as a place to showcase horror wallpaper and graphics that were not widely available. After a few years someone asked me why I don't start reviewing movies since I was always watching them and had deep opinions. That same year I went to my first convention as a fan, and met tons of local film outfits, and said "this is what I need to do". A month later the site morphed and took on staff, until what you see now emerged.

SZ: What's the scoop about the Infernal Dreamgirls?

DR: What can I say that can not be visually explained? We have a lot of talented, beautiful and supportive friends who happen to be actresses and models. They have donated a few moments of their time to help promote us, as well as us giving something back to the visitor besides my mug all over the place. We also have a running Dreamgirl of the Month submission ( send a pic and some info and you could be the next (or first) DgOTM.

SZ: How has the growth been in terms of visitors to your site since the beginning? Has it helped you to establish better relations with studios with new releases and such?

DR: As far as studios go we are taken more seriously now than when we were first launching the concept, still we have trouble getting the larger LionsGate, Universal, Sony etc. The studios that have worked with us have been great, along with the individuals who send us DVDs and books. Traffic has been on a steady climb in the last year and we hope to keep people interested in coming back week after week to read our articles and reviews.

SZ: Who have been some of the individuals that you have interviewed, either printed or on video?

DR: We have interviewed a good variety of members of the local film scene as well as some outside of the circles. Just a few are Anthony Hudson - promoter and organizer of WIFE, Jeff Waldrige - Scarefest, Kevin Strange - Hack Movies, The Creepy Kentuckian & Uncle Bill -, Jim O'Rear - Actor, G.L. Giles - Author, Joel Robinson - Artist to name a few.

SZ: Do you plan on doing regular horror book reviews as well?

DR: Yes, we have been been steadily adding to our stables, and books/graphic novels have found their way into them. We have and continue to review anything that comes our way, and books have become a permanent.

SZ: What are some of the areas that you might be expanding or adding in the
near future?

DR: As far as I can tell, we will be expanding our graphics into more commercial filmaking arenas. designing covers and what not as well as posters for films. Quite possibly a music review section may arise within 2010 along with a documentary on Kentucky film and film makers we are currently working on.

SZ: As a horror film guru, what are some of the trends in horror that you
see out there?

DR: I don't know about guru, but there has been an over-saturation of zombie projects lately. I love zombies but let's face it, too much of a good thing still affects the negative. What I would love to see are some fewer remakes and a resurgence of fresh ideas in a totally new frontier. The American movie audience has changed, become jaded. Re-invent what is terrifying, deeply disturbing, push envelopes. Maybe revert to a style, less polished, perhaps the older gritty style from cheaper film stock from the 70's. More balls out, blow the doors off storytelling, less CG.

SZ: As there has been a big increase in the number of webisodes being put online in places such as YouTube, where do you think webisodes will fit in with indie horror? Do you see it evolving into something that indie filmmakers can make a little revenue on?

DR: Webisodes are a good promotional tool, but basing revinue from it may not be the way. I still believe the best way is to get out to the public, meet and greet, talk to them and get things in their hands. We did the webisodes for a bit, and may bring them back but the smaller videos are working for now.

SZ: How have your convention appearances been going, and what conventions are you going to be appearing at over the next few months?

DR: We have been recieved fairly well on the circuit. We have been invited to some shows now to appear as media guests or sponsors, that blows my mind. You will be able to catch up with us at DarkWoods Con - Pikeville,KY March 5-7 2010, ImagiCon - Birmingham, AL May 21-23 2010, WIFE - Richmond,KY May 14-16 2010, Scarefest - Lexington,KY Nov. 5-7. These are the only ones confirmed so far, and I may not be able to attend each event personally.

SZ: Give us links for the Infernal Dreams site, your social networking locations (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and anything else related to Infernal Dreams.

DR: You can find us at,

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